Moby "Go remixes" Album Review
Hyped track on pointless album
I have never understood the fascination with this track, probably about my fifth favorite on the s/t album. Still, I can understand some club-headed obsessors who must have it for old times sake. However, one has to be rather frivolous even to consider buying THIS album. Don't let the "maxi"-ness of the single fool you. On the album "Rare: The Collected b-sides" there is an entire remix disc (about ten tracks, including every version on this album) included as a BONUS. Kill two birds--er um, no, Mr. Hall would not condone that--with one stone and buy the other, unless this has some particularly good cover art or something.
Daft Punk "Homework" Album Review
It has become a classic. Its thats great
I saw one review here which said something about how bad Homework is because of the elemetry beats and the repetivness. This person obvisouly has no idea about how dance music was in the earlier acid days. Violent and repitivive is what they where going for in this album. If you like more pop/easy listning type of music, their second album Discovery is probably more for you. I like all their albums but I must say homework is my favourite. Its all about the TR-909, TR-808 beats, old samplers and dirty basslines produced by vintage synths like the korg ms-20 and so on! -
l'album HOMEWORK
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