Monday, January 28, 2008

D-Devils "The 6th Gate", The Sabres of Paradise "Sabresonic", Underworld "Beaucoup Fish"


1.The 6th Gate (radio edit) [3:14]4.6 Mb
2.The 6th Gate (instrumental edit) [4:04]5.9 Mb
3.The 6th Gate (Original Extended) [4:46]6.8 Mb
4.The 6th Gate (Bountyhunter remix) [4:58]7.1 Mb
5.The 6th Gate (A Space Odyssey Millennium mix) [5:33]8 Mb
6.The 6th Gate (A Capella) [0:46]1 Mb

D-Devils "The 6th Gate" Album Review

The D-devils are back!
Loved it!, But not quite up to par with my favorite "Sex and Drugs and House".

Video D-Devils - The 6th Gate 2007 (Dj K-oz Partymix!)

D-Devils - The 6th Gate (Dj K-oz PartyMix) Remix by: Dj K-oz Original tracks by: D-Devils - The 6th Gate 2007 Gala - Freed from desire Mason - Exceeder Svenson & Gielen - Beauty of silence Jordan & Baker - Explode


The Sabres of Paradise - Sabresonic
Year: 1993

1.Still Fighting [6:55]7.7 Mb
2.Smokebelch I [7:38]9.3 Mb
3.Clock Factory [14:42]17.9 Mb
4.Ano Electro (Andante) [8:13]10.4 Mb
5.Rsd [5:38]6.7 Mb
6.Inter-Lergen-Ten-Ko [6:06]6.7 Mb
7.Ano Electro (Allegro) [7:11]9 Mb
8.Smokebelch II (Beatless) [4:15]5 Mb

The Sabres of Paradise "Sabresonic" Album Review

Sabresonic II -- I love Smokebelch
I love Smokebelch II (All 3 songs), Edge 6, and Clock Factory very much.


Underworld - Beaucoup Fish
Year: 1997

1.Cups [11:45]18 Mb
2.Push Upstairs [4:33]7.6 Mb
3.Jumbo [6:57]11.5 Mb
4.Shudder King of Snake [9:31]17.3 Mb
5.Winjer [4:28]7.2 Mb
6.Skym [4:07]5.8 Mb
7.Bruce Lee [4:41]8.1 Mb
8.Kittens [7:30]12.7 Mb
9.Push Downstairs [6:03]8.8 Mb
10.Something Like A Mama [6:37]10.9 Mb
11.Moaner [7:37]13.2 Mb

Underworld "Beaucoup Fish" Album Review

Middle of the Pack
Ahhh Underworld. You either love them or you hate them. Never really heard anyone say that "they're O.K.". Well, however people feel about Underworld, they are one of the biggest influences and contributors to the world of electronica. Their unique sound and track production has been a re-mix gold mine for world class British DJ's aplenty.

However, all great musical groups tend to fade as the years go by. For myself, Beaucoup Fish was the beginning for Underworld. Not a terrible album, but definitely not up to the caliber of their previous works. Although "Shudder/King Of Snake" is argueably the most infamous track on this album, my vote goes to "Kittens" as Beaucoup Fish's stunner.

Too many dud tracks dragged down my overall rating for this album. "Bruce Lee" is terrible. The last three tracks are not much better. I was disappointed with this effort despite buying it the week it was released (which by the way is 1998 and not 1999 as Amazon states). Eventhough two years elapsed since their last ablum, Beaucoup Fish always sounded rushed to me.

3/5 stars.

Video Underworld - King Of Snake (Live at Big Day Out) (2003)

Underworld - Shudder / King Of Snake (Live at Big Day Out Festival), January 2003

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